The Anti-ESG Fad Might Be Over Before It Got Going

The Anti-ESG Fad Might Be Over Before It Got Going

“In the United States, criticism of sustainable investing has become incredibly politicized over the past year. To understand the timeline and their magnitude, in a recent study we took a look at the funds—Morningstar counts 26—that have picked up the anti-ESG banner. Although there’s been a lot of talk about anti-ESG funds, it’s not clear that they have staying power.”

[COMMENTARY] This is a great article by Morningstar concerning the anti-ESG funds that have appeared. The article makes clear that these anti-ESG funds aren’t amounting to much and seem to be quickly losing momentum. I’ve maintained that the anti-ESG protagonists are venting their anger from a purely political and self-interested financial viewpoint (fossil-fuel investments) and that it was doomed to fail. I think we’re now seeing evidence of this.
The Anti-ESG Fad Might Be Over Before It Got Going, by

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