‘Generic and hugely mismatched’: why ESG data remains insufficient

‘Generic and hugely mismatched’: why ESG data remains insufficient

“[Peregrine Communications] research, which is entitled ‘Making a Difference, Marketing a Difference’, found a 67% global increase in ESG-related content from asset managers across top national media in the last 12 months. However, 34% of topics disproportionately focus on generic topics.”

[COMMENTARY] Company reports need to get to the specifics that are material to their company when providing investor ESG information! Too many companies think they can take the easy route by talking in generalities, which incidentally, usually adds nothing to their stock values.
‘Generic and hugely mismatched’: why ESG data remains insufficient, by Victoire Barbin Perron, May 12, 2020, Citywire Selector, UK.

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