News and CommentariesSmoke and mirrors: A look inside ESG fund portfolios October 15, 2023admin“This column reviews novel empirical evidence, which shows that fund managers may game regulatory disclosure to disguise themselves as sustainable,…Continue readingSmoke and mirrors: A look inside ESG fund portfolios
News and CommentariesEU Approves World’s First Green Bond Standards to Combat Greenwashing October 9, 2023October 29, 2023admin“The European Union has introduced pioneering standards for ‘green’ bonds, aiming to combat greenwashing and promote sustainable investments.” [COMMENTARY] This…Continue readingEU Approves World’s First Green Bond Standards to Combat Greenwashing
News and CommentariesBlackRock, State Street scramble to manage greenwashing risk August 3, 2023admin“The Financial Services Council held an urgent phone hookup with members this week to discuss their vulnerability to prosecution for…Continue readingBlackRock, State Street scramble to manage greenwashing risk
News and CommentariesGreenwashing lessons for investment managers August 2, 2023admin“Legislation and guidelines set by the EU in respect of ESG, like the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the Taxonomy…Continue readingGreenwashing lessons for investment managers