Renewable energy projects can cost more than fossil fuels: DBS’ Piyush
“THE energy-transition journey in South-east Asia is hampered by the high costs involved in developing renewable-energy power plants, which can be ‘substantially higher’ than fossil fuel-based ones, said DBS chief executive officer Piyush Gupta on Monday.
The high costs of production come partly from the lower levels of solar efficiency in the equatorial region, which is where most of South-east Asia lies.”
[COMMENTARY] Those of us concerned about climate change often underappreciate why the developing world continues to massively invest in the production of energy utilizing fossil fuels. This article is a good explainer of why this is happening.
Renewable energy projects can cost more than fossil fuels: DBS’ Piyush, by Janice Lim, April 15, 2024, The Business Times, Singapore.