Companies that invest the most in green growth earn triple the returns

Companies that invest the most in green growth earn triple the returns

“Corporate Knights newly launched Sustainable Economy Intelligence (SEI) Database* ranks more than 2,800 public companies primarily by the percentage of revenues and spending derived from the green economy (as defined by Corporate Knights’ Sustainability Economy Taxonomy).

In the most recent three-year period, the companies in the top 20% of the SEI outperform the most prominent index of global companies, the MSCI All-World Index, by a factor of three to one.”

[COMMENTARY] It should be clear that the anti-green crowd are real Luddites. They need to know that it’s companies focusing on green products and services that are making well-above-average profits! Keeping them out of portfolios will only harm their returns.
Companies that invest the most in green growth earn triple the returns, by Rick Spence, March 24, 2023, Corporate Knights, Canada.

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