Why we need to prioritise nature alongside the climate transition.

Why we need to prioritise nature alongside the climate transition.

“As Schroders publishes its Plan for Nature, here’ why it matters… The world has woken up to the vital role that nature plays in supporting our economy and society. With more than half of our global GDP dependent on the natural world, we believe that the reality is stark: nature risk is fast becoming an integral factor to investment risk and returns.”

[COMMENTARY]Many ethical and sustainable investors have long wondered how the contribution of our natural endowment can be ‘costed’ into our products and services. A time is coming when we will have clearer insights into that. This paper by the UK investment firm Shroders presents a related perspective on this subject.
Why we need to prioritise nature alongside the climate transition, by Schroders, November 2, 2022, UK.

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