What does ESG mean for the mining industry?
“Many mining and minerals businesses are already taking active steps on their ESG agenda, identifying their priorities and measuring their performance. In our experience, the real benefits come when you move beyond measurement and take action to improve.”
[COMMENTARY]Ethical and sustainable investors have few, if any, mining stocks in their portfolios. They generally believe mining is dirty and ruins the environment while destroying Aboriginal communities.
This view is outdated. Most modern mining companies are taking ESG seriously and mining jurisdictions are mandating ESG integration in mining operations. And where new mines are permitted, they can take 7 – 15 years to build.
Because of outdated views about mining, capital investment in new mines is woefully short of what the green-electric revolution requires in terms of copper, zinc, silver, etc. Without huge increases in metals and minerals production, there will be no green economy.
So, read this article, and perhaps more of you will reconsider investing in mining.
What does ESG mean for the mining industry? By David Walker, October 3, 2022, Canadian Mining Journal, Canada.