Does integrated reporting quality matter to capital markets? Empirical evidence from voluntary adopters.

Does integrated reporting quality matter to capital markets? Empirical evidence from voluntary adopters.

“Potential implications of our results are that the standard setters should work to improve the specificity and rigor of their guidelines, and analysts should become more involved in developing IR guidelines to make them more relevant to their information needs. IR seems to unfold its benefits better in mandatory settings, which could call for regulators to make IR mandatory.”

[COMMENTARY]This is a research paper. Integrated reporting–the combined reporting of the annual report, financial statements and ESG/sustainability information — is studied here. I’ve been in favor of this reporting for decades. Also seeIntegrated Reporting as an Academic Research Concept in the Area of Business by Hugo Moraga.

However, it seems much work still needs to be done for it to be fully useful for investors.
Does integrated reporting quality matter to capital markets? Empirical evidence from voluntary adopters, Luca Leukhardt, Michel Charifzadeh, and Fabian Diefenbach, May 20, 2022, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.

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