ESG Assets in Europe Shrink after Regulatory Consolidation Efforts.
“While assets in sustainable investments declined to $12 trillion in Europe over 2020 from $14 trillion in 2018, the falling assets in attributed to falling investment demand for the ESG theme, Bloomberg reports. The drop in ESG assets in Europe is a result of policy changes that tightened the requirements for what can be considered a responsible investment, according to Simon O’Connor, chair of the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance.”
[COMMENTARY]With 36% of assets under management globally now termed ‘responsible’ by the GSIA, I wonder if there’s been a weakening as to what are considered ethical-ESG-sustainable investments? I think these numbers from Europe provide the answer. Probably ‘yes’.
ESG Assets in Europe Shrink after Regulatory Consolidation Efforts, July 21, 2021, ETF Trends, USA.