News & CommentariesGreen Bond Giant Awakened by Countries Spending to Save Climate."Sovereign debt pool of $44.5 trillion starts going green." [COMMENTARY]It appears that sovereign debt issuance of green bonds is about…Continue readingGreen Bond Giant Awakened by Countries Spending to Save Climate.January 19, 20172017 Global 100 (Corporate Knights)."An index of the Global 100 most sustainable corporations in the world." [COMMENTARY]This annual index is one of the best…Continue reading2017 Global 100 (Corporate Knights).January 19, 2017Major banks ’still not doing enough’ to embed climate risk in decisions."Major banks are largely failing to align their business practices with international climate targets and are still not doing enough…Continue readingMajor banks ’still not doing enough’ to embed climate risk in decisions.January 17, 2017’Inflection point’ approaching for long-term investors, says MSCI."In 2017, the MSCI researchers predicted the emergence of two approaches to long-termism: new benchmarks that ’explicitly incorporate views of…Continue reading’Inflection point’ approaching for long-term investors, says MSCI.January 16, 2017Church of England equips investors to monitor climate impact. (Tool useful for all ethical investors!)"The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI), created in partnership with the UK Environment Agency Pension Fund and the London School of…Continue readingChurch of England equips investors to monitor climate impact. (Tool useful for all ethical investors!)January 13, 2017The Risk And Opportunity For America’s Corporate Pension Plans."Stated very simply, while more and more companies are proclaiming their commitment to ’sustainability,’ their pension funds are virtually ignoring…Continue readingThe Risk And Opportunity For America’s Corporate Pension Plans.January 10, 2017 Previous Page1 … 176 177 178 179 180 … 201Next Page