News and CommentariesPolluting Firms Earn Higher Returns January 28, 2024admin“But these low-scoring ESG stocks carry greater risks.” [COMMENTARY] Companies just starting on their commitment to ESG or sustainability improvements…Continue readingPolluting Firms Earn Higher Returns
News and CommentariesWho Made Newsweek’s 2024 List of America’s Most Responsible Companies? January 28, 2024January 28, 2024admin“We’ve culled through the 600 companies to find the beauty brands, personal care players, suppliers and retailers who made the…Continue readingWho Made Newsweek’s 2024 List of America’s Most Responsible Companies?
News and CommentariesThe Clean Energy Transition May Be Cheaper Than We Thought January 28, 2024admin“Cost estimates leave out some of the savings of using less fossil fuels, new analysis says.” [COMMENTARY] Let’s hope this…Continue readingThe Clean Energy Transition May Be Cheaper Than We Thought
PodcastsPodcast: The World’s Most Sustainable Corporations January 26, 2024January 26, 2024adminTranscript & Links, Episode 122, January 26, 2024 Hello, Ron Robins here. So, welcome to this podcast episode 122 titled…Continue readingPodcast: The World’s Most Sustainable Corporations
News and CommentariesThe Impact of ESG Risk on Stocks January 18, 2024admin“This article examines the impact of ESG risk on US stocks through the lens of Sustainalytics’ ESG risk-rating measure over…Continue readingThe Impact of ESG Risk on Stocks
News and CommentariesThe Global 100 list: How the world’s most sustainable corporations are driving the green transition January 17, 2024January 28, 2024admin“Now in its 20th year, the Global 100 ranking reveals that corporate leaders are pouring more of their revenues into…Continue readingThe Global 100 list: How the world’s most sustainable corporations are driving the green transition
News and CommentariesA New Survey Finds Dropping ESG Support Among Young Investors January 17, 2024January 28, 2024admin“In just one year, the percentage of those ages 18 to 41 who said they were “very concerned about environmental…Continue readingA New Survey Finds Dropping ESG Support Among Young Investors
News and CommentariesA new “world first” gold standard for EU green bonds January 17, 2024January 28, 2024admin“As part of the European Commission’s strategy for financing the transition to a sustainable economy, the EU has been debating…Continue readingA new “world first” gold standard for EU green bonds
Environmental Sustainability and Social Performance In BusinessClimate Capitalism: Winning the Race to Zero Emissions and Solving the Crisis of Our Age January 16, 2024July 29, 2024admin“‘An important read for anyone in need of optimism about our ability to build a clean energy future.’—BILL GATES.’ ‘Illuminating,…Continue readingClimate Capitalism: Winning the Race to Zero Emissions and Solving the Crisis of Our Age
News and CommentariesBig U.S. Fund Companies Retreat on Support for ESG Proxy Votes January 14, 2024admin“More ‘no’ votes by U.S. funds on key ESG resolutions contrasts with continued backing from European money managers.” [COMMENTARY] This…Continue readingBig U.S. Fund Companies Retreat on Support for ESG Proxy Votes