Americans Question Motives Behind CSR.

Americans Question Motives Behind CSR.

"According to the latest annual Harris Poll Reputation Quotient study, which tracks the perception of the 100 most visible companies in the U.S. by asking consumers to rank their reputations across a half-dozen key attributes, 45 percent said they believe companies embark on CSR initiatives because they believe it′s a role they should play as leaders in their communities.

Conversely, a similar amount — 40 percent — said they believe companies develop CSR initiatives only to bolster their public image and establish social value for stakeholders."

[COMMENTARY] I believe it’s a great thing that companies embark on CSR activities. However, I wonder if the term CSR has outlived itself? I find ESG a much better differentiator between companies as I believe it delivers a better corporate focus (organizationally and financially) and possibly reduced ’greenwashing’ for consumers.
Americans Question Motives Behind CSR, by Jon Gingerich, June 12, 2017, O’Dwyer’s, USA.

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