Individuals and institutions split on benefits of ESG investing: survey.
"Individuals believe the environmental, social, and ethical records of the companies they invest in are important, said Natixis, while professionals at institutions and within ’the investment community’ were more sceptical about the efficacy of these strategies, for example having concerns about performance measurement."
[COMMENTARY]The findings of this Natixis Global Asset Management survey highlight — in part — why the financial industry has taken so long to respond to client ESG interests. Despite the arguments made in this article, I suggest that investment professionals not only disregarded their clients interests but have taken an extraordinarily long time to understand what ESG is and its potential alpha. Another issue is that most investment professionals have become short-term oriented, whereas, ESG investing is more about performance over the long-term.
Individuals and institutions split on benefits of ESG investing: survey, by Susanna Rust, June 15, 2017, IPE, UK.