Just released: new surveys related to ESG investing.
[COMMENTARY] It’s clear that the mainstream investment industry is adopting ESG criteria as important to investment analysis and attracting millennials to investing. However, I remain skeptical about much of the surveys’ findings due to the definition of ESG and what people say and do being two quite different things. Also, some surveys seem to contradict each other in their results.
The following surveys have just been released on the subject.
Responsible Investing: the Evolution of Ownership, October 30, 2017, RBC Global Asset Management (GAM), Canada.
Money Meets Morals Study, press release, October 30, 2017, Harris Poll for Swell Investing, USA.
Responsible Investing & the Persistent Myth of Investor Sacrifice, October 31, 2017, Hermes Investment Management, UK.
New Equity Perspectives – Emerging markets, ESG and the active/passive debate, October 30, 2017, bfinance, UK.
Over one third of [UK] charities do not have an ethical investment policy, survey finds, October 30, 2017, Gabriel Research and Management, UK.
Commentary: What′s behind asset owners′ slow adoption of responsible investment, October 30, 2017, Pensions & Investments, UK.