Why managers need to wake up to ESG threat.

Why managers need to wake up to ESG threat.

“’It will get to a point where, if a fund group doesn′t have fully-implemented ESG integration, and had it in place for sometime, we won′t be able to use them anymore,’ she [Teresa Platan, who specialises in selecting emerging markets and Japan equity funds for Aktia, a Finnish bank] says. ’The shift has been so fast in the past year with the clients suddenly asking so much about ESG. It′s difficult to say exactly how long before we′re there. Maybe only in a year or two.’”

[COMMENTARY] The article’s headline seems to imply a backlash against ESG integration. However, as the quote implies, it’s really cautioning those investment industry players not already on the ESG train to get on-board now or lose business!
Why managers need to wake up to ESG threat, by Dylan Emery, January 5, 2018, Portfolio Advisor, UK.

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