The Harris Poll On Corporate Reputation: Americans Favor "Main Street" Companies Over Traditional Corporate America; Praise Companies Bringing Innovation To Help Solve Societal Challenges.

The Harris Poll On Corporate Reputation: Americans Favor "Main Street" Companies Over Traditional Corporate America; Praise Companies Bringing Innovation To Help Solve Societal Challenges.

"’This year, the RQ® study revealed that socially conscious companies are thriving off of the division and dysfunction in government, and what we’re seeing is a new vanguard of corporate leaders taking an active role to solve societal challenges that government can’t or won’t,’ said The Harris Poll CEO, John Gerzema. ’We’re calling this a movement of Big Ideals, where companies are rising above politics to focus on a pressing social challenge whether it be healthcare, transportation, or education.’"

[COMMENTARY]The top three of the 100 companies covered: Amazon, Wegmans, and Tesla Motors. Among those in the bottom ten are: Goldman Sachs, Monsanto, and Equifax. Ethical investors take note.
The Harris Poll On Corporate Reputation, press release, March 13, 2018, The Harris Poll, USA.

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