GRI and SASB are collaborating. Is that good news for companies?
“For years, corporate reporters — those inside companies responsible for creating sustainability reports and reporting environmental, social and governance data to various other organizations — have been frustrated by what many refer to as an alphabet soup of standards and frameworks: CDP, GRI, IIRC, PRI, SASB, TCFD, UNGC and more.
And while they grumbled at how those various organizations’ requests weren’t harmonized, they dutifully complied with their requests and mandates. Finally, help may be on the way.”
[COMMENTARY] It’s great to see these groups collaborating. Should they succeed, it’ll be a real boost to ethical and sustainable investors everywhere in understanding and comparing corporate CSR/ESG reporting.
GRI and SASB are collaborating. Is that good news for companies? Bu Joel Makower, July 13, 2020, GreenBiz, USA.